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Passage One

Alexia Sloane,a l0一year-old girl,lost her sight when she was two following a brain disease But despite her disability she has excelled at languages is already fluent in English,French,Spanish Chinese。is learning German.

Now she has experienced her dream job of working

as an interpreter after East of EnglMEP(欧盟议员)

Robert Sturdy invited her to the parliament building in Brussels,thus becoming the youngest interpreter to work at the European Parliament.

“She was given a special permit to get into the

buildin9,where there is usually a minimum age requirement of l4.sat in a booth listening and

interpretin9,”said her mother,Isabelle.“The other

interpreters were amazed at how well she did as the

debate was quite complicated many of the words

were rather technical.”

Alexia has been tri-lingual since birth as her

mother,a teacher,is half French half Spanish,while her father,Richard,is English.She started talking communicating in all three languages before she lost her sight but adapted quickly to her blindness.By the age of four,she was reading writing in Braille(盲文).When she was six。Alexia began to learn Chinese.The girl is now learning German at school in Cambridge.

Alexia has been longing to be an interpreter since

she was six she chose to go to the European Parliament as her prize when she won a young achiever

of the year award.She asked if she could shadow interpreters Mr.Sturdy agreed to take her along as his guest.

Alexia worked with the head of interpreting had

a real taste of lire in parliament.“It was fantastic lm absolutely determined now to become an interpreter,she said

36.What does the passage tell about Alexia Sloane?

A.She is very proud of her parents.

B She has learned five foreign languages.

C.She is a quick learner of languages.

D. She has difficulties with language learning.

37. Why did Alexia need special permission to enter the

parliament building?

A. She was not in a state of good health.

B. She could not afford the admission fees.

C. She did not meet the age requirement.

D. She did not have an adult to accompany her.

38. What did Alexia want to do after she got the award?

A. To travel to other European countries.

B. To visit the European Parliament.

C. To apply for a position in the government.

D. To study German at Cambridge University.

39. The tone of the passage can be best described as

A. Critical

B. admiring

C. Understanding

D. Doubtful


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