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Passage Two

Tom was aged four but he was talking like a two-year-

o1d baby. He was saying such things as 'kick ball'and

'want car', and using lots of one-word sentences. He should have been saying some really long sentences andtelling stories with them. He wasn't. Something had gone trribly wrong.

Quite a few children have what is called a'languagedelay'. For some reason they don't learn to speak as quickly as they should. Their friends shoot ahead and they' re left behind. As a result, they get very 1onely.Nobody wants to talk to you if you can't talk back.

Can anything be done to help these children? Yes. They can go to see a speech therapist--a person who's specially trained to work out what's wrong and who knows how to teach language to children. This is what happened to Tom.The speeh therpist played some games with him and heard how he talked. She made a recording of his speech, and chattedto his mom and dad about his background. They'd taken Tom to see a doctor, but the doctor hadn't found anything wrong with him. He seemed peretly normal in every way-except he just wasn talking.

Afer Tom and his parents had gone home, the therapist listened carefully to the recording she'd made. Then she looked at a chart which showed how language developed inchildren aged two, three, and four. She could see Tom was a long way behind.

The next step, she deided, was to teach Tom how to say some new sentences like'kick a red ball,'and'the clownis kicking a ball.'Tom didn't get the new sentences right straight away.But therapist was very patient,and after a few more visit he started to make progress.

40.How did the author introduce the topic of this passage?

A.By describing grammar errors made by kids.

B.By sharing experiences of speech therapists.

C.By using Tom's case as an example.

D.By stating his personal views to readers.

41.What can be infered from the passage about“1anguage delay?

A.It can be prevented by doctors.

B.It is seldom found among children.

C.It can be improved with certain help.

D.It may result from hearing problems.

42.What did the speech therapist do to help Tom?

A.She told others that Tom was normal in every way.

B.She asked Tom to play with some other children.C.She made some recordings of his parents'speech.

D.She taught Tom new sentences in a patient way.

43.What is the best title for the passage?

A.What Can Doctors Do with Language Delay?

B.What Can Be Done about Kids with Language Delay?

C.How Can Language Delay Be Easily Detected?

D.How Can Parents Prevent Kids from Language Delay?


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